The hillside rooms can be found by the following address:
Länzeweid 5, Hildisrieden
We recommend you to use google maps or any similiar service:
How to get to the house by car
You will find the free parking on the road nearby. Please park your car within the white lines on the road. Please do not use any parking off the road, since everything is private property.
Then walk the path between the houses covered by glass (about 30m). Get to the center playground of our neighborhood. There, turn right and follow the path to the end of the three attached houses (about 50m). Menbergs Harmony Homestay is the last house on the right, painted in a “dirty pink”.
Ring the bell for “Menberg”.
Taxi / Uber / Lift?
Because of legal restrictions, services like UBER and Lift are kind of nonexistant in Switzerland. Nevertheless, you will be able to use these services to call a regular Taxi. Beware: Swiss Taxis are amongst the most expensive rides in the world. For example: A Cab from the Airport Zürich to our Homestay is about US$ 300, from City Center Luzern about US$ 70.
You rather rent a car at the airport or use public transportation (SBB) instead.
Get here by public transportation
We highly recommend you to use the SBB App, downloadable from your prefered app store. Easy payment with credit card. The app covers all directions and schedules including train, bus, tram and boats.
Most of the trains and buses are clean, modern and save to use. Dont waste your money on a first class ticket, unless you want to avoid the crowded waggons during rush hour. If you need to change between trains or busses, hurry up! Nobody will wait for you to finish your selfie-session. You will also find directions (to get to the next platform) on the SBB app.
Bus-Stop: Hildisrieden, Dorf – just about 30 seconds next to “Hildisrieden, Post”.
From there, its a short walk straight along the main road in the same direction the bus was driving.
How to get here on a bike?
Based on some guest feedbacks, we need to point out that the house is called “hillside”: You will need to climb about 200m in altitude.
Never the less, there’s save and nice bicycle-lanes in direction of Luzern (to the east) and Sempach (to the south). Arriving form the northwest (Beromünster) or northeast (Hochdorf) you may prefer to stay off the main roads and follow the scenic bicycle route 599.
We also offer some covered parking for your bike and a plug to charge your e-bike.